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Professor Murali Mohan Biswas

Founder Secretary of ISEC, Kolkata 700 017

Our beloved Prof. Murali Mohan Biswas, Founder Secretary of Institute of Science, Education and Culture (ISEC) passed away on 30th January 2016.

Prof. Murali Mohan Biswas was born on 1st February 1928 at Joyrambati, Dist. Bankura, West Bengal, India.

He passed the M Sc in Physics with Nuclear Physics as special paper from the Presidency College under Calcutta University in 1950; joined the then Baker Laboratory of Presidency College and started researches on the investigation of Cosmic Rays and Nuclear Reactions with Cloud Chamber Technique.

In 1960, Prof. Biswas joined the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics at Heidelberg, Germany where he studied Nuclear Reaction and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy. He received his PhD in 1962.

After returning back to India in 1963 he joined the Physics Department of Calcutta University and taught M Sc Physics students and conducted PhD works for a group of students with Nuclear Emulsion Techniques and theoretical works.

In 1966, Prof. Biswas joined the Technical Teachers Training Institute (TTTI) (now National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Salt Lake, Kolkata – established by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India as an Assistant Professor.

In 1970, Prof. Biswas visited USA and acted as Visiting Professor in different universities. He visited the Physics Departments of different universities and research Institutes, such as, Harvard, MIT, Boston University, West Virginia University, Illinois University at Chicago Circle, Purdue University, University of California at Berkeley and then Lawrence Radiation Laboratory.

After returning back to Calcutta he again joined the TTTI and became the Head of the Faculty of Sciences.

In 1979, he again went to UK and visited different universities, such as London University, Imperial College, Oxford University, Cambridge University, Rutherford and Appleton Laboratories and returned to India in 1981.

He retired from TTTI in 1993.

During this long period, Prof. Biswas published many research papers in Nuclear Physics problems and guided nearly half a dozen research scholars in the problems related to Nuclear Physics which led to their PhD degrees. He attended many national and international conferences, wrote many scientific and associated articles; edited books and articles

Prof. Biswas was the life-member of Indian Science Congress Association, the Indian Physical Society, Calcutta, the Indian Physics Association, Mumbai, the Indian Nuclear Society, Trombay and Senior member of the American Physical Society, USA. He had been the President of the Indo-German Association at Max Mueller Bhavan, Calcutta for many years. His biography has been published in the Marquis Who’s Who in the World Context in 1996, Directory of the American Biographical Institute in 1997-98 and in the Biographical Centre, Cambridge, UK in 1998.


Prof. Biswas has organized and established the “Institute of Science, Education and Culture (ISEC)” which was registered in 1980 under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act 1961 and is smoothly running till today under the leadership of Dr. Biswas. Among other objectives, ISEC publishes one international standard journal INDIAN SCIENCE CRUISER – at present 6 issues a year. Indian Science Cruiser has opened the opportunities to Indian scientists and science writers to publish research papers and articles in science within India itself. Ministry of Science & Technology, DST, Govt. of India and also Ministry of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal have recognized the ISEC’s activities and publication of the journal by providing with financial support every year. Moreover, ISEC’s main objective is for dissemination and development of science, science education and scientific culture on Indian soil.

Prof. Biswas is the author of the following two books, Animalok (Microworld) and a book with several poetries Panchmisheli though he always ventures to construct new roads and avenues for life out of science, science education and scientific culture in the midst of social culture.

He is survived by his many friends, relatives and the large family members of “Institute of Science, Education and Culture” (ISEC) created by him in his residential building situated at 42-B, Syed Amir Ali Avenue, Kolkata 700 017. Later on he gifted the said residential building to ISEC by way of a Registered Trust Deed for the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the country.

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